Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Blah Blah Blah

I have FINALLY lost 6 pounds!!!!!!!!!!!! REJOICE REJOICE!!! Thank goodness.

Even with that victory, I am not feeling good today. I have given myself permission to be BLAH today. I really. really don't feel like doing anything.

I am a teacher. And a good one if I do say so myself. I think I am fair. I think I am tough in all the right ways. But my job is hampered by PARENTS. One student told his parents I was losing his assignments and that was why he had zeros!! And they believed him! They wanted me to sign a piece of paper stating every time he turned in an assignment so that we could monitor the fact that HE was turning in assignments and I was losing them.

Well, no thank you, I do NOT need a parent micro-managing me. So, I politely refused and said I would be more than glad to sign his planner as he walked out the door if he wrote his homework down. (Most of his missing assignments were homework yet it was MY fault he was getting zeros!). Signing his planner would put us all on the same team: mom and dad checking it at home, teacher checking it as school.........but oh, no. THEY could micro-manage ME but I could not micro-manage their son! GOOD GRIEF! So, my principal moved him to another class room. It made me MAD!!!!!!!!!!!! I did not have a bad relationship with the kid---his parents were the problem. And now his parents have won! That is how I feel. I am sure they are telling all their friends how they got one over on the teacher! Grrrrrrrrrr

On top of not sleeping well for two nights in a row, this just did me in! I went out to eat. Still managing to stay at 1,565 calories for the day. But I was mad b/c I ate chicken tenders (3), a roll, ranch dressing..........sigh! However, I DID eat a side salad and a cup of vegetable soup. And there were 5 chicken tenders and I only ate three. So, not a complete cave in just a small mud slide! But GRRRRRRRRRRRRR

Hubby and I are doing a little better. I no longer feel that we are destined to part. He is soo busy. It is 8:55 p.m. right now and I have not seen him since 7:00 a.m. He hasn't seen our daughter either. :-(

Ok, that's all the news that's fit to print.


Alli said...

OMG my husband is a middle school science and math teacher and has the EXACT same problems with the parents. If you figure out a way to fix that issue let me know so I can pass it on to him... he has tried so many different things about the homework. Like even making all the students get every late assigment signed by the parents. Ridiculous.

Trish said...

Congratulations on the loss! You go girl! :)

Marianna said...

Hey, thanks for stopping by my blog! Living in Spain definitely has its perks, but of course there are some days that are more challenging than others. All in all it has been quite an enriching experience :o)

I also wish you the very best with your weight loss and everything else you've got going on! I look forward to keeping up with you!

Diana Swallow said...

WOW what a great loss and what fabulous progress you've made so far!!

Cat said...

That is a fantastic loss! Great job!