Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Anniversary and weight loss

Today is my eighth anniversary! I can not believe we have been together for 10 years and married 8!! It has been and up-and-down ride with my hubby. Not always terrific but definitely not always awful! I love him so much and I see an even more wonderful man who has emerged from the wonderful man I married. He's getting better! LOL As am I. I hope.

It is that TOM and yesterday I came home from work and just crashed. I was so tired and I had a SPLITTING headache. I couldn't even read b/c my head and eyes hurt so badly. Luckily, hubby took DD and kept her downstairs and let me be. He's a doll.

I technically started this am and I jumped on the scale when I got up in absolute terror of how much water weight I had gained. Amazingly the scale said 212.8 (almost two pounds down from Friday). Now, I know that is probably not 100% accurate being the TOM and all, I still am hoping it is somewhat accurate or even wrong on the high-end!!! (Hey, a girl can hope can't she????) lol.

Another NSV: Monday, because I wasn't feeling well, was very hard. I DID not want to go work out. But I went anyway and while I did not work out with the "umph" I normally do, I did work out. I burned calories and I did 30 minutes on the elliptical. I am so proud of ME!!!!!!! woo hoo

1 comment:

Trish said...

Hey, that's great on the weight loss and NSV...and happy anniversary!